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5 reasons why you should get into cricket

    The Champions Trophy is well underway, which has already shown to be a tournament filled with games that have been full of drama. Cricket is not only good on the eye, but also great to get stuck into the playing side of the game.

    Here are 5 reasons why you should start playing cricket:


    Cricket has evolved in recent years, and has grown massively in the UK because of new formats of the game. It is a sport that focuses more on the mental skill than football, and can be very good for developing social and analytical skills. The game requires for a player to get involved in three different ways, through batting, bowling and fielding, This adds an extra dimension to a person’s experience, in that they get to take part in a wide-range of different activities.


    Cricket is a social sport that has always been highly regarded for its etiquette and sportsmanship from players. Bad behaviour and the use of foul language is frowned upon during play, and the somewhat strict discipline set has given the game a great reputation. Kids’ cricket sets are cheap, and the game is great for getting families involved with children especially at a beginner’s level.


    Disability cricket is becoming increasingly popular in the UK, with teams ranging from a local to national level. The ECB (England and Wales Cricket Board) have plenty of information on Chance 2 Shine about the ins and outs of disability cricket, and of how the game can be played by everyone.


    The game is traditionally played in an 11-a-side format, and despite being the most popular way to play there are plenty of new, exciting styles of cricket about. Kwik-Cricket has shown to be a great way of getting kids to play in schools, while Twenty20 has grown immensely of late due to the success of the English national team. The 20-over format of the game is great for those who are too impatient or simply don’t have the time to play the game over several days.


    Test cricket can be extremely complicated, especially for those who lack a lot of experience. Initiatives from the ECB have made for better coaching within schools, and projects such as the Chance 2 Shine and All Stars Cricket are brilliant for children. The latter is a brand-new initiative aimed to give children between the age of five to eight a great first experience in cricket.